Friday, July 27, 2012

The Most Annoying People On Facebook

The Engaged Couple

You may find it fascinating to share every second and minute detail of your wedding planning. We don't really care  that you just finished making your invitation list. Also, spare of us of the countdown to your wedding.

The To Do List Sharer

Thank you for making it easy for someone to stalk you but I do not need to know that you are off to work, then the gym, then the grocery store, and then bed.

The Hash Tagger

We are not on Twitter. So stop with the #irrelevanthashtags.

The Game Invite Spammer

Look I understand that you like playing the latest crap game on Facebook but no I do not want to send you some energy.

The Attention Seeker

This goes out to all the people who like to post the cryptic i'm sad or I can't believe this message and then refuse to explain what's up with them.

The LMS Poster

Some people are so thirsty for likes that they will post the most irrelevant statuses. LMS if you just blinked.

Party Promoters

Satan should reserve a special place in Hell for party promoters. Stop spamming me with notifications about your party.

The Like This or The World Will End Poster

So you are telling me that the fate of the world rests on me hitting like. We are doomed.

The Y.O.L.O.

Unless you are captioning a picture of you slapping a Lion,you probably are not doing anything that lives up to the Y.O.L.O phrase.

The Irrelevant Discussion

It irks me when people decide to comment back and forward with each other on your status. Really, you guys are just going to have your own discussion on my status?

What do people do on Facebook that you hate?

Is there something I haven’t mentioned that you can’t stand people doing on Facebook?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Girl You Remind Me of My Ipad!

Woman With Ipad
Women you must realize that you are not a monopoly. There are plenty of other women available. Some women are even willing to set their standards lower in order to get more demand than you. They are happy to play Walmart and give their goods away for less. This sad truth forces many women to choose to adjust their standards to compete.

Men win when women lower their standards. This happens because the cost to play comes down giving them more for less. Stop this and start acting like an IPad or IPhone. There are plenty of tablets and phones that can be had for cheaper than the Apple branded products. However, launch after launch the demand for all things Apple has remained high. This is because Apple's image is one characteristic of quality, beauty, and sophistication. Apple doesn't care that they potentially lose customers due to their higher price points. Apple only cares about it's image. Accordingly, Apple manufactures its value to reinforce this. Ladies, I challenge you to reinforce your value. Now that is truly Sexy!

How I Got the Work From Home Job I Always Wanted

There is a well-known saying, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ Young children often have this theory perfected to a fine art. They keep asking till they get what they want. This demonstrates our innate determination, faith and expectation. Asking for what you desire can be a great opening to new opportunities.To increase your chances of success it is often valuable to reflect upon the most appropriate people to ask for assistance. What opened the doorway for my ultimate career move was not only my winning interview but the knowledge I was able to gain about the position through my contacts.  I believe firmlly in the old addage that "knowledge is power."

1 Get in touch with your own intuition and check if what you are desiring is for your greatest benefit. One of the ways to do this is to imagine that you already have what you desire. Then ask yourself: How do I feel? is this a worthy goal? Does it affect people in an uplifting way?

2 In order to get a clearer message try  praying, meditation, reflective thinking, yoga, dancing, relaxation, daydreaming etc.

3 When you are sure of your intention, make a list of the people you can ask for assistance. This is where mentoring often comes into play.

4 Determine that you are going to do what it takes to achieve your intention.

5 Do research. Find out as much as you can about the people you want help from.

6 Make a list of what you think they can help you with. Most successful people are extremely busy, so it will be in your best interest to be well prepared.

7 Link how they can help you to how you can help them.

8 Ask for less rather then more, especially in the beginning. If you want them to mentor you, ask if they would be willing to spend 10 minutes a month giving you advice.

9 When you finally decide to call or meet somebody create an atmosphere that supports you. Wear something that makes you feel good, have all your questions ready, affirm to yourself that you are a success. Be positive.

10 Even if you receive a refusal, congratulate yourself for giving it a go. You have succeeded because you tried. It is an important step in the right direction. Then choose someone else and try again. You can only gain.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

10 Simple ways to Clear Clutter from your Home and Office

I now telework from home.  While converting my spare bedrooms into a home office I had to finally admit to myself that I am a Clutter Bug. As a result of all of the hard work, I sat down and scribed these 10 Commandments for myself.
Clear the clutter and clear your mind.
  1.  There are only three things aloud on your writing desk: a lamp, a small keepsake, and a photograph or two. That's it! When you get up from your desk put everything else away except those three things.
  2. Sort your mail as soon as it comes in, then recycle, throw out, file, or respond. No piles and no promise to go through it later.
  3. Spend ten minutes a day walking through the house with a large shopping bag. Grab at least three things from each room in the house that you can throw away.
  4. Have a special reading box or basket- Sort through magazines or articles you want to read and tear out the articles you are interested in and recycle the rest of the magazine.
  5. Make sure you sort your email so you never have more than 3-5 things in your in box at any one time.
  6. Set up project files in Word to keep track of important things you are working on. Designate a separate file for each project or focus. You won't have to hunt for your information when you need it.
  7. Shred unwanted office paper and use it for garden mulch, cat litter, or starting a nice fire in the fireplace.
  8. Learn to say NO. Or at least get in the habit of asking for a day to think the request over. This will clear out clutter from your schedule.
  9. Make a rule that everything has a drawer, cabinet, basket, bin, or shelf it belongs on put nothing on the flat surfaces in your house.
  10. Write down all of those things that are running around your brain nagging you. Sort them into three categories.
  • 1. Things that will help me accomplish my goals that are Really important to me.
  • 2. Things I think are urgent or burning.
  • 3. Things I should do
Be honest and ruthless when you sort this list. Stop doing everything that falls under  3. Everything that falls under 2. Delegate to someone else or eliminate them all together.