Friday, July 27, 2012

The Most Annoying People On Facebook

The Engaged Couple

You may find it fascinating to share every second and minute detail of your wedding planning. We don't really care  that you just finished making your invitation list. Also, spare of us of the countdown to your wedding.

The To Do List Sharer

Thank you for making it easy for someone to stalk you but I do not need to know that you are off to work, then the gym, then the grocery store, and then bed.

The Hash Tagger

We are not on Twitter. So stop with the #irrelevanthashtags.

The Game Invite Spammer

Look I understand that you like playing the latest crap game on Facebook but no I do not want to send you some energy.

The Attention Seeker

This goes out to all the people who like to post the cryptic i'm sad or I can't believe this message and then refuse to explain what's up with them.

The LMS Poster

Some people are so thirsty for likes that they will post the most irrelevant statuses. LMS if you just blinked.

Party Promoters

Satan should reserve a special place in Hell for party promoters. Stop spamming me with notifications about your party.

The Like This or The World Will End Poster

So you are telling me that the fate of the world rests on me hitting like. We are doomed.

The Y.O.L.O.

Unless you are captioning a picture of you slapping a Lion,you probably are not doing anything that lives up to the Y.O.L.O phrase.

The Irrelevant Discussion

It irks me when people decide to comment back and forward with each other on your status. Really, you guys are just going to have your own discussion on my status?

What do people do on Facebook that you hate?

Is there something I haven’t mentioned that you can’t stand people doing on Facebook?

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