There is a well-known saying, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ Young children often have this theory perfected to a fine art. They keep asking till they get what they want. This demonstrates our innate determination, faith and expectation. Asking for what you desire can be a great opening to new opportunities.To increase your chances of success it is often valuable to reflect upon the most appropriate people to ask for assistance. What opened the doorway for my ultimate career move was not only my winning interview but the knowledge I was able to gain about the position through my contacts. I believe firmlly in the old addage that "knowledge is power."
1 Get in touch with your own intuition and check if what you are desiring is for your greatest benefit. One of the ways to do this is to imagine that you already have what you desire. Then ask yourself: How do I feel? is this a worthy goal? Does it affect people in an uplifting way?
2 In order to get a clearer message try praying, meditation, reflective thinking, yoga, dancing, relaxation, daydreaming etc.
3 When you are sure of your intention, make a list of the people you can ask for assistance. This is where mentoring often comes into play.
4 Determine that you are going to do what it takes to achieve your intention.
5 Do research. Find out as much as you can about the people you want help from.
6 Make a list of what you think they can help you with. Most successful people are extremely busy, so it will be in your best interest to be well prepared.
7 Link how they can help you to how you can help them.
8 Ask for less rather then more, especially in the beginning. If you want them to mentor you, ask if they would be willing to spend 10 minutes a month giving you advice.
9 When you finally decide to call or meet somebody create an atmosphere that supports you. Wear something that makes you feel good, have all your questions ready, affirm to yourself that you are a success. Be positive.
10 Even if you receive a refusal, congratulate yourself for giving it a go. You have succeeded because you tried. It is an important step in the right direction. Then choose someone else and try again. You can only gain.
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