Monday, July 23, 2012

Girl You Remind Me of My Ipad!

Woman With Ipad
Women you must realize that you are not a monopoly. There are plenty of other women available. Some women are even willing to set their standards lower in order to get more demand than you. They are happy to play Walmart and give their goods away for less. This sad truth forces many women to choose to adjust their standards to compete.

Men win when women lower their standards. This happens because the cost to play comes down giving them more for less. Stop this and start acting like an IPad or IPhone. There are plenty of tablets and phones that can be had for cheaper than the Apple branded products. However, launch after launch the demand for all things Apple has remained high. This is because Apple's image is one characteristic of quality, beauty, and sophistication. Apple doesn't care that they potentially lose customers due to their higher price points. Apple only cares about it's image. Accordingly, Apple manufactures its value to reinforce this. Ladies, I challenge you to reinforce your value. Now that is truly Sexy!

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